This page include several statistical data of service of the line. I compared the timetables of years 1913, 1996, 2004 and 2009. To receive at leas one timetable of each era was the target but unfortunately no timetable from the Norte company time is available.
1913 - Era of Companhia de caminho de ferro de Guimarães
The first available timetable comes from 1913. It comes from the Companhia do caminho de ferro de Guimarães (CFG). Passengers could use five trains for each direction. There were three types of trains. Rapido (once a day) took the journey Porto-Guimarães in 2 hours and 1minute and back in 2 hours and 14 minutes. The „rapido“ trains ran only during week-days. The most frequent trains were „mixto“ trains. There was one train just Guimarães-Fafe on Thursdays, the journey took 58 minutes. 5 „mixto“ trains operated on the whole line Porto-Fafe, 1 train in each direction ran journey Porto-Guimarães (or back). There were many differences in travel times of „mixto“ trains. The journey took from 2 hours and 20 minutes up to 4 hours and 11 minutes. One train went just from Guimarães to Porto on Sundays. The last type of trains running on the line were „correio“ trains (post trains), the journey Porto-Fafe took 3 hours and 43 minutes, back 3 hours and 53 minutes.
1996 - Era of CP
The situation after 83 years had totally changed. The line didn´t go via Campanhã station but from Trindade station to Maia, Bougado and Trofa. Almost all trains in this age were „regional“ except of one (Porto Trindade – Muro) that was a „suburbano“ type. In this time passengers could use 15 direct trains Porto-Guimarães and the same amount in opposite direction. 5 trains in Porto-Guimarães direction ran only on week-days, 4trains in opposite direction. There were many differences in stops of trains in this age. Trains running Porto-Santo Tirso-Porto stopped everywhere except of one. Trains Porto-Guimarães-Porto didn't stop in Francos, Ramalde and Circunvalação, 3 trains in each direction also didn't stop at Mandim and Bougado. The only suburbano train ran from Porto to Muro and didn't stop in Francos and Circunvalação. The most of rains ran in periods ( -:40 from Porto Trindade and usually -:35 from Guimarães) but due to different stops many of them had to leave earlier or later. This is the biggest disadvantage of the timetable – passengers had to be careful of exact times of departures of trains.
2004 - Just after renovation (CP)
Trains started to run according to the new timetable from 6.6.2004. That means it was exactly after the track renovation. The timetable is much simpler than the 1996 one. There were 12 trains Porto-Guimarães (8 of them were running all the days, 3 on week-days and one only at weekends) and 13 trains of direction Guimarães-Porto (7 running all the days, 4 only on week-days and 2 at weekends) on the line. Only 5 trains in each direction stopped in Nespereira, Pereirinhas and Cuca. No train on the line stopped in Portela, Senhora das Dores and Contumil. There were also trains Porto-Santo Tirso-Porto. They stopped in Leandro (Porto-Guimarães-Porto trains didn't) but ran without stop in São Frutuoso. The travel time Porto-Guimarães was 1 hour and 10 minutes (in case of trains that stopped in Cuca, Pereirinhas and Nespereira the duration was 3 minutes longer), the opposite direction offered the same duration. Trains Porto-Santo Tirso made the journey in 38 minutes and (it is interesting) in opposite direction in 42 minutes. Period transport was much more transparent than in 1996. Trains that ran to Guimarães left Porto São Bento station at -:45, the „Santo Tirso“ trains at -:55. From Guimarães the trains without stops in Nespereira, Pereirinhas and Cuca left at -:15, those stopping in these 3 stations left 3 minutes earlier.
2009 - The newest one (CP); this timetable is available to download here
The newest timetable comes from 14th December 2008 and the validity is until the same day in 2009. There is 15 trains of Porto-Guimarães direction, 10 of them run every day, 4 only on week-days and one only at weekends. The opposite direction offers 14 trains Guimarães-Porto, 11 of them with every day service, 3 only on week-days. These trains don't stop in Leandro. The line also offers to reach the terminate stations with transfer in Lousado (connection to/from Braga line trains), 2 possibilities in each direction, all of them only on week-days. As in 2004 there is a possibility to take trains Porto-Santo Tirso-Porto. These trains stop in all stations. One can take 6 trains from Porto to Santo Tirso and 5 trains back. These trains run only on week-days. Trains Porto-Guimarães take this journey in 1 hour and 18 minutes, back it takes 3 minutes more. Porto-Santo Tirso journey is taken in 43 minutes, back in 44 minutes. One of interesting thing of the line is that there is no direct train Leandro-Guimarães or back. The question is does really Leandro belong to this line?